Red Velvet Cake with cream cheese frosting :D

SO yeah, ive quit my work, due to Ramadhan & one more other reason. ehem ehem. :D
so, my miss (boss) asked me and anis to bake something. so we decided to bake red velvet :D
its quite hard act cause guna banyak brg and cost die yg agak tggi, thats why kat kedai jual mahal L:D

so i gt the recipe frm my resipi, need to write in here ke? me so malas.
okay then ill writeeee

actually its for 3 layer cake but me and anis reduce it to only two layer. :D
for red velvet :
250 g butter. kalau boleh pakai buttercup. make sure dlm rooom temp.
300 g icing sugar. kalau nak kurang manis boleh kurang lagi.
6 egg. medium size.
450 g self raising flour.
230 g sour cream.
2 t/sp vanilla essence.
3 t/sp coco powder. kalau nak sedap guna van houton.
few drops of red colouring. suka hati lah nak colour ape tapi dh name red velvet mstilah red kan? :P

for cream cheese :
350 g cream cheese. kalau nak beli cream cheese kene tgok dulu. halal ke tak. usually people dont really care bout 'halal'. kalau nak yang halal. guna tatura cream cheese or philadelphia (mahal sikit)
100-150 g of butter kalau nak cream cheese solid better reduce usage of butter.
2-3 drops of vanilla essence.
300-350 g confectionery sugar. yang halus gila tu :P

step for red velvet :
whisk 250 g butter until fluffy & white. real white :)
then, whisk sugar and sugar and sugar. little by little. until kembang.
then, masukkan telur satu satu satu. jangan masuukkan sekaligus. then pukul sampai kmbang lagi.
sediakan dalam mangkuk lain, 450 g self raising flour mixed with 3 t/sp of coco powder. kalau rajin ayak laa.
then, masukkan tepung tu dalam acuan butter td. pastu whisk and then masukkan sedikit demi sedikit 230 g sour cream. whisk sampai sebati then masukkan red colouring. opps jgn masukkan satu botol. cube sikit2 smpai jd merah :)
kalau nak moist letak laa susu sikit. :)
then, masuk laah dalam loyang. bole laa bakar.
temp for baking is 170-175 celcius.
time for baking is between 25-30 mins.

step for cream cheese :
campurkan semua bahan and whisk smpai sebati. kena make sure cream cheese and butter dlm room temp sbb takut ta jadi if keras sgt. so yeah thats all :

so miss kitorang pun suke sgt red velvet kami just cream cheese cair sikit. anyway, it was a great day on making it :D it was fun. you guys should try it.
thanks for reading :)
